Welcome to iKeppner!

Following in the footsteps of iPads, iPods, iPhones, etc., I’ve created iKeppner!  Welcome to my first ever attempt at blogging, a skill I hope to master over the course of the next few months.  I’m excited to have my own place to share my interests, opinions, and questions with you, and we can converse across the miles as if we were sitting at the same table.  I’m on a life changing journey, which is exciting and new, and I invite you to come along with me!

Will it be all serious?  No, that’s not me.  Some thoughts may be serious, some may be informative, some could be a little out there, and some will be things that just crack me up!  I enjoy having discussions with people, because through them we all have the opportunity to learn something new.  Many say because I’m a Leo, I think I know everything, when in fact the most important lesson I ever learned is that nobody knows everything.  I welcome your thoughts and feedback and recommendations for my blog and questions or topics you may want to hear more about from my point of view!

So pull your chair up to the counter and grab a mug or a glass and I’ll grab some munchies for us and we’ll get down to it!

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3 Responses to Welcome to iKeppner!

  1. This is awesome. I love the idea of two people talking over a beverage and munchies. I think it is very creative. I want to get my coffee and enjoy the discussion with you as we do in the mornings at SMCC. You are awesome. If you need help with photos let me know.

  2. helen says:

    To my fellow Leo, looking forward to your thoughts! Especially, since we think alike!

  3. Hi Izzy,
    I really can understand where you are coming from when you say that we are on “a lifechanging journey”. Both of us retired from the military and in my case, I transitioned into the civilian world but the economy pulled the rug out from under me. Well, that has all changed, at least for now! I am ticking one more item off my bucket list by going back to college and getting a business administration degree. My only hope is that when I graduate this summer that the job market will be better. Anyways – here’s to a new challenge. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can’t stop learning.

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